1. Shop your home.

We are inundated with messaging about what we can do to improve our homes. New blankets and cushions for each season, kitchen updates and trends, and ‘fast fashion homewares’ are as prevalent on the high street as throw away fast fashion clothing. As an alternative, and to help inspire a sense of contentment, write down everything you love about your home and how it makes you feel. Perhaps it is a favourite chair where you enjoy reading, a table that’s holds many special family memories, or something as simple as your favourite pan for cooking in.

Take some time to consider any areas of your living space that could do with a refresh and then ‘shop your home.’ This can be a fun idea, walking around each room to see if you can find a suitable ‘purchase’ for a different part of your house. The act of physically moving trinkets, such as vases, pictures or even lamps, not only aids you in appreciating what you already have, but physically helps shift the energy, giving your home a fresh feeling of flow.

2. Create a naturally scented, non-toxic environment.

Scent has such a powerful impact on our senses, and creating a home environment that smells inviting, cosy or fresh, has an undeniably positive impact on our we feel. However, it is worth considering the underlying health risks of synthetic fragrance used in scented products, from candles to air fresheners, and even cleaning products. The word ‘fragrance’ found on an ingredients list can contain anywhere between 50-300 chemicals, some of which are associated with toxic effects.

When scenting your home consider natural alternatives. Beeswax candles, such as those that we stock at Phoenix & Providence, not only emit a subtle honey fragrance, but also purify the air as they burn. Soy candles are also non-toxic, complete natural, and free from GM materials. Our Phoenix & Providence Isles of Scilly Candle is not only made from ethically harvested soy wax, but scented with 100% natural essential oils, a scent blend inspired by the sense of calm and rejuvenation found on the islands.


Beeswax Candles £4.50


Isles of Scilly Scented Candle £16 


3. Enhance your sleeping space.

Sleep is a key cornerstone of wellbeing. There can be many factors that can take getting a good night’s sleep out of our control. However, creating an environment that supports our sleep and wellbeing is one area that we can influence. The simplest step you can take in your bedroom is to make it a screen free zone. The blue light emitted from mobile phones has been proven to block the production of the melatonin hormone that helps make us sleepy. If you use your phone to help wake you up in the morning, consider getting an alarm clock.

Decluttering the area around where you sleep can also create a feeling of calm. You could make a pile of books you would like to read or find a spot for your journal and pen. This will help encourage you to make time for daily reading and writing. Either, or both, of these habits can be an incredibly powerful way to support your wellbeing.

Finally, if you are looking to replace your bedding at some stage, it is worth considering a natural alternative. A wool duvet and pillows are not only naturally antibacterial, but much more effective than synthetic materials in helping to regulate your body temperature, an essential element for a good sleep.

4. Encourage simple skincare rituals to bookend your day.

Take some time to declutter your bathroom shelves and dressing table area. Get rid of any products that are out of date or that you haven’t used in the past year.  Make a space to encourage simple skincare rituals to bookend your days. Nourishing your skin with natural ingredients sourced sustainably from land and sea, taking a few deep breaths, and a moment of pause in the present, is a way to slow down, give yourself some tender loving care, and support your wellbeing.

At Phoenix & Providence our skincare combines simplicity with the essence of the sea, effective products that positively impact the skin and offer an intentional moment of self-care. Purchase alone or invest in the collection to reclaim a moment of calm and bring the ocean home.


5. Bring nature inside.

The final, simple, idea to enhance your wellbeing at home is to bring a little bit of nature inside. This could be some flowers from your garden, dried seed heads from a walk, or shells from the beach. If you visit the Isles of Scilly regularly, you probably already have an extensive shell collection! Using nature as a means of decor is not only sustainable (and free!) but a visible reminder of this amazing natural world we call home, a reminder to tread a little lighter, and look after our precious environment.


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