1. Let go of perfection. This time of year, more than any other, piles on expectations. We are bombarded with messages from the media about what the perfect Christmas should look like. Instead of trying to ‘do it all’ choose a couple of activities that you really enjoy. Perhaps decorating the Christmas tree, an afternoon of baking in the kitchen, maybe attending your local carol service. Let go of anything else you think you ‘should’ be doing. Focussing on how you want to feel, rather than falling into the cycle of planning, preparing, and clearing up, is very liberating. Once you’ve tried letting go of perfection at Christmas, try it for the rest of the year! It really is a simple step you can take to being present and enjoying the moment.
  1. Following on from this, say no to the things you don’t really want to do this December… Or at least take the easier option. It could be a busy time at work for you, or you may have a calendar full of activities for your school aged children. Rather than adding another date to December, be honest with yourself, and others, and make plans for the New Year when you have more time and headspace. If there are traditions you have fallen into that no longer feel good, now could be the time to say no to those too.
  1. Get outside. Who doesn’t love that feeling of getting back from a blustery walk and cosying up inside! By taking jobs off your list, you think you should be doing (point 1!) and saying no to things you don’t really want to do (point 2!) could allow you to prioritise getting outside. Perhaps you could organise a Christmas Eve walk with family, or a Boxing Day swim with friends. 
  1. Eat well. Christmas is undoubtedly a time to indulge in delicious food. But it is always worth remembering to eat the food you really love and that makes you feel good. Lots of lovely brightly coloured vegetable sides and salads can make a more satisfying supper than the beige buffet foods supermarkets seem intent on selling to us at Christmas!
  1. Indulge in some Twixmas skincare self-care. You could enjoy an afternoon bath with our Rejuvenate Seaweed Bath Salts, a hot oil massage with our Nourish Body Oil, a deep skin cleanse with our Renew Seaweed Face Mask, or a 5-minute face massage with our Nurture Face Oil. Just take time some time for you.

Shop this post:

Rejuvenate Seaweed Bath Salts £14.50

Nourish Body Oil £24
Renew Seaweed Face Mask £18.50
Nurture Face Oil £27
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